
Roberto N. (33)

I was recovering from a car accident, when one month later I was rear ended at high speed again. This caused my airbags to deploy and I hit my head/face on the airbag, as well as hurting my neck, wrist, and ribs. After an MRI and x-rays, it was determined I had damage to my CS vertebrae and a contusion on my wrist/thumb. I was treated by Dr. Wong for chiropractic and orthopathic for bone injuries who recommended time off work and physical therapy. The chiro/physical therapist  went on for 5 months with only mild relief I had frequent to constant nerve pain in my neck and left shoulder. I later found Health Point Wellness Cent and after 2 months of a combined treatment of massage, acupuncture, cupping, and chiropractic, I am 95% pain free and my overall health has improved by 80%!

Amber D. (42)

After my car accident I received two months of care from a previous chiropractor. I saw very little improvement and the pain and headaches were severely affecting my quality of life. After one month of care with Health Point Wellness Clinic, I am almost completely healed. I’ve been able to exercise and execute daily activities without the pain and tension I was previously experiencing. I credit my healing and recovery to Health Point Wellness and their specialized care.

Ledora T. (29)

Prior to coming to Health Point Wellness, I had a lower back problem that caused me to miss almost two weeks of work. My back problem made it extremely painful to get out of bed, to move, and even to cough. Since coming here, I have most of my movement back but more importantly, I have been educated on how to change the way I do things to avoid this from happening again. The entire staff has been professional, courteous, friendly, and very helpful. I enjoy coming in and have and will continue to refer your clinic to others.

Jerry F. (Age 46)

Dear Dr. Chang

I want to thank you for getting me back on track. Before I came to see you, I had been without a chiropractor for over 2 years; physically I had gotten to the point where I was suffering chronic headaches all day, everyday. These headaches were affecting all aspects of my life. At times they were totally disabling and preventing me from working or playing. I was becoming depressed and despondent over my situation. I knew that I needed to see a chiropractor, but I didn't know where to go. I was literally praying for a solution when I found out about Health Point Wellness Clinic. I signed up for information and was so happy when you called me. I decided to schedule an appointment that week and it was the best thing I could have ever done. I've been seeing you regularly for almost 6 months and I feel like a new person! I no longer suffer from chronic headaches; I've got more concentration to do my work, energy to exercise and by finally feeling good physically my spirits have lifted making me so much happier. Now my husband is receiving regular care, and we are both noticing the differences. You have given us wonderful suggestions and the gentle encouragement we need to make health changes in our lives. I feel so comfortable in your office; You go above and beyond to ensure that my chiropractic treatments are successful. Through your wellness center I have had the opportunity to receive alternative treatments like electrical stimulation, posture therapy, acupressure and massage in conjunction with chiropractic adjustments. I have noticed such a difference in the speed of my recovery as compared to previous chiropractors. I find that my adjustments last longer and longer with each series of treatments. Finding Health Point Wellness was an answer to my prayers! (And I am not exaggerating) I have recommended you to others and will continue to do so, as I feel you have made such noteworthy changes in my health. Thank you again!

Gratefully yours,

Sara C. (Age 27)

Dr. Chang I am glad I met you and you changed my attitude towards Chiropractic especially after you told me about the way you run your clinic. I must thank you very much for treating me and I admit I have not felt better in years since the treatment. During the flight I almost forgot that I was suffering from backaches and I did not feel any discomfort.

Prakash P. (Age 54)

I am able to walk at a normal pace now, and less severe agitation in my mood from pain. The exercises are helpful and I appreciate the holistic approach to care.

Tamra R. (Age 40)

I just wanted to thank you for all that you have done with my treatment. Since my accident almost nine years ago, I haven't been able to "live" my life! Health Point Wellness Clinic has brought my life back. Besides treating my back pain with chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy the other health benefits have been enormous. I don't get sick as often, I sleep better, and I've even been able to go back to teaching gymnastics.

Erin W. (Age 25)

I am writing this letter to let you know and all current and future patients that the service you provide as a Professional Chiropractor is the best all around care I have ever had. At first I wasn't sure if Chiropractic work was for me, but my right leg was experiencing numbness in the last two years so I decided to give it a try. In only a week, the numbness on my right leg cleared up. Additionally within a month, I am sleeping more soundly and I find myself more comfortable and able to settle to sleep quickly. I didn't even notice is used to take me an hour (at least) to fall asleep before. It's amazing how great I feel!!! Your practice of a combination of deep tissue massage, adjustment, electric stimulation spinal alignment, and use of the back machine called ocean wave, has made me feel great within 3 visits. Every week that passes I recognize yet another positive change in my health, energy level and attitude. I can equate these dramatic changes to your chiropractic care because I haven't altered my lifestyle in any other way. Continue the great work. Thanks again for your dedication to your profession, your uniqueness as a Health Wellness Chiropractor has proven amazing results and I highly recommend you both for any chiropractic care.

Marlo C. (Age 46)

I have been very happy and satisfied with the staff and treatment that I have received to date. Everyone is concerned for my well being and overall improvements.

Doug M. (Age 41)

My heart felt thanks and appreciation to Dr. Chang. I had occasion to visit your office in April 2006 as a result of my unfortunate car accident in which I was t-boned by an F-150 truck. I am truly thankful for all you have done for me .I am now able to enjoy my life without physical limitations. The pain and discomfort in my neck, back and shoulder no longer consumes my days and nights. I thank you all so much for all you've done for me.

Dolores D. (Age 44)

I hurt my neck so Dr. Chang fixed me. She touched my neck up and down. It felt much better.

Aidan K. (Age 8)

I feel so much better when Doctor Chang adjusts me. It's so relaxing when Dr. Chang adjusts me. I am glad I can trust her so much when she is fixing my bones (putting them in shape) and she is REALLY good at it. I thank her so much. I sometimes ask her to adjust me even thought I'm totally fine. Thank you.

Ashlee K.(Age 11)

I just wanted to thank you for all that you have done with my treatment. Since my accident almost nine years ago, I haven't been able to "live" my life! Health Point Wellness Clinic has brought my life back. Besides treating my back pain with chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy the other health benefits have been enormous .I don't get sick as often, I sleep better, and I've even been able to go back to teaching gymnastics. THANK YOU!

Erik L. (Age 21)

To Dr. Linda Chang I wanted to thank you for the incredible work you have done on me for these last few months. When I decided to do the marathon in February, I knew that I would definitely need some adjustments to keep my body healthy from all the stress I would be inflicting on it. Whenever I had an issue come up, or felt a little off, I would call and get an appointment right away. I know you were juggling many other patients, but you did a great job of making me feel like I was your only patient. When other doctors told me that I needed to stop running because it put too much stress on my body, you knew that wasn't an option and did all you could to make sure my body stayed healthy. Thanks to all my visits, my body was able to endure the 16 weeks of training and marathon with very little aches and pains. You both went above and beyond to make sure my body was good and ready to finish the race strong. Thanks to all your hard work .I was very successful in completing all of my goals this past weekend.

Amanda W. (Age 24)

Thanks a lot, after coming here, my headaches have reduced a lot and my back pain has practically gone away .My daily activities and sleeping patterns have greatly improved. Thank you for being so nice and for helping me with my back and headaches

Robert H. (Age 19)

Essentially, this has been the first time I have had balanced care regarding back and neck issues. The approach by the whole staff and practice is much more comprehensive when compared to other chiropractic care I've had. I have been very impressed and much improved in just my first month. As I become more involved with the therapies and root causes of my body's' back pain, I will plan on integrating other aspects of care in my life. THANKS!

Steve S. (Age 37)

On a scale of 1-10, when I started treatment I would have rated my pain level at a 10+.Now it is more like a 5-6.Some days I have had little or not pain at all .I'm experiencing a general over-all feeling of well being and emotionally there has been a great improvement with acupuncture. I also have more energy and I am sleeping better.

Carol K. (Age 69)

Where do I begin?? I will start with thank you!!I must admit that by the time I came to Dr. Chang I was at rock bottom, miserable and felt hopeless. I am 32 and have been trying for the past 3 years to get pregnant. I've had every test taken and have been given every medication you can imagine. Doctors couldn't give me an answer to why I wasn't getting pregnant and why my health was getting so bad. I didn't have a menstrual cycle, gained weight, lost chunks of hair, got depressed and had major night sweats. I was miserable after 6 cycles of clomed and two failed IUIs( with inject able medications), I only ended up getting hospitalized. I gave up... I figured I would never get better or be a mom. I finally go the energy to give acupuncture a try... but let me tell you I figured it would be a waste of time. With the 1st treatment, my night sweats stopped.... In a week I felt better and happier... within the month I got my period.... and finally after 3 months I am pregnant!!! Dr. Chang is an awesome doctor!!!

Mariam S (Age 32)

Since acupuncture, I'm slowly getting movement back in my thumb .The best part is the lowering of my blood pressure without medication.

David P (Age 55)

I've been suffering with chronic neck, face and shoulder pain for several years. After the 12th treatment the pain subsided and I've been pain free. No more pain medication to upset my stomach .I can sleep better and have more energy. THANK YOU DR. CHANG FOR YOUR HEALING TOUCH! I've learned great things on how to take care of my body. You both make up a great working team. God Bless You!!!

Yolanda P (Age 59)

My back pain has subsided since my treatment started. My range of motion was pretty minimal and I also had been taking pain killers (Vicodin). The amount of treatment provided has been exemplary that I'm not taking pain medications anymore. What would like to thank the whole staff for their exemplary professionalism.

Remy I .(Age 58)

After 12 sessions I am feeling less pain. My overall sense of well being has increased and it is the best, most relaxing hour of my day!

Mary H. (Age 55)

The extreme pains in my neck and shoulders as well as the daily headaches are gone, but I still have a way to go to prevent recurrence. I know my posture needs to improve, but I don't know how to do it. Just remembering doesn't work - I don't even know what good posture feels like.

Bonnie H. (Age 62)

I am a convert. I have to admit to being skeptical about it all, but not anymore. Thanks.

Joseph W. (Age 33)

A couple of weeks ago I came in with rib pain interfering with my tennis. I was not only having a physical battle but an emotional battle. The pain was uncomfortable. But then my dad sent me here and the staff treated me with respect and kindness. Not only has my pain gone away but I have lost some weight too. I thank you for your service and care.

Sam B (Age 13)

I have been working with less pain, I feel better balance and better reflexes. I was able to stop using pain medication. I get more sleep and less pain. Thank you for your good work

Ismael A. (Age 32)

Since undergoing acupuncture and chiropractic care, my episodes of pain and limited mobility have been reduced significantly. I no longer feel pain every day the way that I used to - the treatments and stretching exercises have really helped. I believe ongoing treatment will be needed to be pain-free, but this has been an excellent start! Dr. Chang is an informative, knowledgeable and resourceful professional and I trust her to work with me on a long-term basis.

Carol B. (Age 38)

I was involved in a 4 car accident and was just looking for any kind of care. I just came across Health Point Wellness Clinic and thought I'd give it a try. After the consultation I decided it was a place for me. They made me feel comfortable and at home. Dr. Chang explained everything I needed to know from auto-accident claims, insurance, to how the therapy would be performed. Since getting treatment I am more relaxed and feeling less lower back pain. The overall treatment has helped to release some of my stress in my body.

Thu D. (Age 23)

Thank you for your treatment and care. I had major pain in my lower back and hip after having a baby and breaking my leg. After my leg healed, my joints and back were very stiff and dysfunctional, causing a lot of pain. Thank you for identifying the problem and fixing it in a whole body concept.

Jennifer D. (Age 39)

I was involved in a car accident. After the accident, I had neck pain, leg pain and numbness in my arm and legs. I was looking for a chiropractic office in the yellow pages and I found Health Point Wellness Clinic. Now I feel great with the treatment that I have received here with the therapy and massages. Dr. Chang thanks for being so nice to me and my family.

Tina R (Age 39)

I was recently suffering with migraines, and after 3 weeks the headaches have diminished. My stress level has also gone down. I can't thank Dr. Chang and her staff enough. They are certainly a great team! I would definitely recommend my friends and family to come here.

Maria V. (Age 36)

I am able to sleep a lot better at night and my teeth grinding has stopped! My headaches and tension are improving! Dr. Chang and the rest of the team have been tremendously helpful.

Michelle H. (Age 34)

When I first started coming to this clinic, I was very sick. I was having up to 10 seizures a day. I was in the hospital many times and none of the doctors could figure out why I was having seizures. I was also very tired from the lasting effects of EBV and shingles. After acupuncture I no longer have seizures and I am a lot less tired. Thanks Dr. Chang! :)

Kathleen H. (Age 15)

I am very impressed with the quality of care by Dr. Chang. She is very thorough in her work. I have been to another acupuncturist, but I really like her way of treatment. I would definitely refer her to anyone needing help.

Lourdes H. (Age 55)

I was rear ended in a car accident approximately two months ago. After the accident I experienced extreme discomfort, loss of sleep and loss of productivity. Since I began my care,I have began to feel better and better as time goes by. I rarely feel the pain and have begun a normal sleeping pattern. All staff is polite, compassionate and knowledgeable. I would recommend to anyone I know in need of care. Thank you!

Amber Y. (Age 24)

Before I came here, I had back pain which affected sleep, school, and other activities. Once I started coming here my pain was greatly reduced, and even though it still annoys me, my condition has improved to the point where I can look back and compare my condition before and now and notice HUGE improvement!

Nicholas C. (Age 12)

I initially thought my back pain and neck pain came with age. My regular visits and variety of chiropractic treatments did it. Pain went away after 3 visits. The educational awareness the staff provides was exceptionally good. You can feel the impact that you'll carry in your day to day activities. I couldn't ask for more.

Irene C. (Age 42)

After 3 weeks I feel less pain, I have greater range of motion and more energy. I am back on the court with my clients and it feels great! Thank you.

Berry R. (Age 35)

When I arrived, my lower back was in great pain and I could neither sit, I lie down, nor walk without pain. After they diagnosed my problem and brought me back for massages and adjustments, I have returned to my regular crazy schedule with no pain!!!! Thank you.

Sheryl G. (Age 47)

I have nothing but positive things to say about the staff at Health Point Wellness Clinic They are knowledgeable and super friendly. I came in with neck and shoulder pain. Dr. Chang showed me what was causing the pain and gave me exercises to help release the tension. I had no idea how tense I was. Several weeks later, my neck and shoulders feel so much better. I wake up in the morning feeling completely rested, whereas before I would be yawning all day after 8 hours of sleep. Thank you Dr. Chang and staff.

Carolyn U. (Age 31)

I went to Dr. Chang two weeks after I had injured my shoulder. She did acupuncture and deep tissue massage on me. After the first visit, I felt significant improvement in my shoulder. I had better motion in the shoulder. The pain reduced a lot. I am happy with my improvement.

Xuenien L. (Age 34)

I came here on the recommendation of a co-worker for the pain in my wrist which had gotten to the point that it hurt to unlock my door at home. With the help of everyone here the pain has significantly decreased and I am confident that soon it will be gone completely. Everyone here has a great attitude and always makes for a great experience.

Thank you all!

Jaclyn L. (Age 29)

To Dr. Linda and Staff : Since our auto accident, there has been quite an improvement .My neck is much better. My overall body is improved. I believe the best is realizing my body needs my attention. Linda and staff has brought back the drive to get me up and going. I'm walking again, eating less and losing inches. After hurting myself at the gym and losing my 17 year old grandson, I had kind of given up on me. LIFE IS BETTER NOW....

Mary O. (Age 69)

After being in a car accident. I was in terrible pain from my back, neck, wrist and terrible headaches. As I have been coming to Dr. Chang I feel much better! I feel my pain decrease and headaches I had for 3-4 weeks have gone. Acupuncture has taken away my headaches! Everyone is wonderful and kind to our needs. Dr. Chang is doing a wonderful job. I thank her and her staff or making me feel better.

Loretta C. (Age 46)

Health Point Wellness Clinic helps me a lot in many ways. It was last year when I started going to this clinic and met Dr. Chang and the rest of the staff. I do chiropractic, massage therapy and acupuncture. Chiropractic with combination of massage helped me lost muscle spasm. Usually, I was having severe pain on my back, neck and lower back. After couple of visits, I felt much better. I came to the point that I had no pain at all. Acupuncture is also a big help for me. I lost like 15 pounds since I started it. I feel energetic and happy. Not only that. I have a feeling that acupuncture helped me a lot on getting pregnant again!!(after years of waiting) .I am very thankful that I found Health Point Wellness Clinic. I thank everyone also in the clinic specially Dr. Chang who really takes care of me. I will not stop recommending this place to everyone. Thank you!!!

Lucila M. (Age 39)

I would like to say that I was very scared about coming to an office like this. They all have made me feel very relaxed and not scared. I feel so much better coming now. I feel so much better physically than I have ever been before. Thanks to Dr. Linda Chang and her staff.

Barbara P. (Age 49)

Since coming here, I have felt great improvement regarding my pain severity. The pain is always constant, but the severity of it has decreased. I feel like the combination of massages, adjustments, acupuncture, electro stimulation therapy and stretching techniques have helped me greatly.

Matthew M. (Age 24)

Thank you very much for your outstanding service. I really enjoy the environment and professional services provided here. After each therapy, I feel great and relaxed. The therapy so far plays an important role to maintain my energy and my daily exercise routine. I really appreciate all of the staff's hard work. I would like to continue to have you guys as my wonderful therapists.

Ying T. (Age 30)

Dr.Chang has helped me with feelings of anxiety, PMS and GI issues. I feel completely different from when started with her care. I have had added benefits of increased energy and better sleep (deeper). I will definitely continue to visit Dr. Chang for on-going health and wellness. I look forward to my appointments because I know how much better I will feel after.

Hannah P. (Age 33)

Seeing Dr. Chang for acupuncture has been so helpful with decreasing nausea during my first trimester of pregnancy. The best days I've had the last few weeks have been the days after seeing her here in the clinic. Thank you, Dr. Chang. You are an amazing acupuncturist.


I am coming to Health Point Wellness Clinic to reduce the pain, improve the range of motion, and strengthen my knee. After coming here and going through the therapy, I feel less pain in my knees. It is comfortable to walk now. I'd like to continue the therapy further to achieve my goals fully.Overall I am very impressed.

Shivshankar N. (Age 32)

I came in with a severe backache.The combined approach has taken care of that to a great extent. I am glad that I came in and the experience has made me a lot more aware of my pains and the posture and stretching that I need to continue with to reduce it. Keep up the great work!

Chirag S. (Age 29)

I have a better understanding of my condition and what changes I need to make to my lifestyle to improve it.

I can feel myself making progress and i am feeling better on a daily basis. I hope to continue and get myself to the point when I think I should be. Thanks Dr.Chang.

Vikraman S. (Age 28)

As someone who had never before seen a chiropractor, I must admit, I was somewhat apprehensive, however Dr. Chang made me feel so at ease and I can confidently and enthusiastically confess that this has been the BEST health care I have EVER received! Not only the quality of care, but the positive atmosphere, friendly staff and doctors who actually care about my well-being has been an incredible experience I wouldn't exchange for any thing.

Jessica M. (Age 22)

I was having trouble associated with pregnancy which resulted in disturbed sleep. With massages, acupuncture treatments and stretches, the pain reduced and my sleep is more restful and peaceful.

Sandhya S. (Age 29)

After my cycling accident on July 31, 2009 ( I was hit by a car from behind and launched 90 feet and had to be air lifted etc), I could barely move with unbearable pain in my neck and upper back caused by the impact, whiplash etc. My general practitioner never recommended any kind of care and I was in so much pain until Angel Anfinson recommended I see Dr. Chang. Two months into my treatment I can move around like a normal person and the pain in my neck and back have decreased 70% to 80%. I can sleep through the night, my focus during the day at work is 100% better and I am back training for my half marathons! Thank you! I am confident in a few more weeks with the help of Dr. Chang's adjustments, therapy and the massages from the girls (Alex and the Angels) I will be 100% healed. Can't wait!

Nicola K (Age 32)

Hi Dr. Chang

First I would like to thank you and your staff for making me feel comfortable coming into your office prior to healing my back. My back feels much better than it did when I first came into your office .After two weeks of treatment I can finally get back to my active lifestyle outside the office. Despite the normal grind that I endure in a cubicle, this experience has made me more aware of health and well-being.If such a problem does occur again (knock on wood), I definitely know where to go when I need a few adjustments. I will highly recommend my friends and colleagues about your services if they ever need help.

Anthony E. (Age 29)

I am in with an extreme amount of neck and back pain and was starting to experience numbness in my finger tips and toes .Dr. Oliver has worked to improve my condition dramatically and I am 100 times better. At one point prior to treatment I thought I would have to give up playing soccer. Now not only am I playing but I am down to pain-free and felt the best time in years. Thanks for everything.

Richard H. (Age 33)

I came to Dr. Oliver with shoulder pain that was very sharp. Through proper diagnosis and therapy, my pain is relieved. Additionally, the doctor motivated me to lead a healthier lifestyle. I am exercising, losing weight. The massages are great and overall experience has been pleasant. Good job to the entire team!

Harpreet G. (Age 36)

I would like to thank the staff here at Health Point Wellness for taking such good care of me. I found the staff to be very professional and knowledgeable in the field. I would highly recommend this clinic to everyone that is having need of chiropractic care. I have been to other but this is by far the best experience in chiropractic care I have received. Thank you Dr. Oliver

Barbara M. (Age 54)

My care here has been outstanding. When I first came in I was in a lot of pain and very stressed out about all the insurance stuff I had to deal with. But everyone here is very nice and very helpful. I can tell that they actually care about you getting better. I would recommend anyone to Health Point Wellness!!

Amanda B. (Age 24)

Through my treatment at Health Point Wellness I've realized the importance of care after my traumatic car accident. Not only I am aware of muscle issues that need attention but that I'm avoiding future issues with pain that would be much more serious down the road.

Dan L. (Age 43)

Thanks! I'm on the road to feeling better. I love your clinic and look forward to my appointments because I know I'll feel better afterwards. The staff is very friendly and accommodating! Great experience. Thank you!

Julie W. (Age 41)

I was seeing a chiropractor for over a year with no real results. In the first two months since I have come here I have seen a big improvement in my overall health. Dr .Oliver is very accurate in her diagnosis and informed me of an issue with my back (curved spine) that I was not aware of with the previous chiropractor. I am feeling better already with improved movement in my lower back, knee, and neck too. Overall, she really cares about the health and wellness of her patients, and I am so grateful I have found her and her staff! Thank you.

Mariam I.(Age 48)

I really like your clinic:

Friendly staff

Your cleanliness

Helpful and warm doctors

Love Angel Anfinson

I always look forward to my appointments.

Helen N.(Age 38)

My boyfriend and I were on our way to his house. We came from 805 south and took Imperial Ave exit ramp. We stopped at the light and when we turned right a car from my left side hit my car. 3 days after the day of the accident, I went to the chiropractor (Dr. Linda Oliver) of Health Point Wellness Clinic to have my neck and back evaluated due to the pain that I'm having. After several therapies (massages) and spinal alignment, my neck and back pain got better. The clinic staff treated us so professionally and they were so accommodating.

I would say that my Chiropractic therapy was a SUCCESS!

Rowena J.( Age 24)

Thank you for your very thorough and thoughtful care. Everyone from front office staff to massage therapists to the doctors are caring and professional. I wasn't 100% confident that I would see improvement with chiropractic care since this was my first time experience with it… but I'm a believer now! Dr. Oliver & Dr. Khamsei were persistent in finding a way to alleviate my back pain.

I would highly recommend this practice!!

Kristi N. (Age 36)

Thank you for the excellent care! You've opened my eyes to better care of oneself. I had no idea how "not normal" it is to have tension in the neck and shoulders.

Who knew?

Dolores H. (Age 40)

When I first came in I was experiencing headaches and serious discomfort anytime I got too hot. Since coming here I have not had another headache and I overall just feel so much better. Dr. Oliver really listened to my body and knew exactly how to make it better.

Kristin H. (Age 20)

My girlfriend and I got into a car accident, Three days later my girlfriend decided to see a chiropractor because she was having back pain, so I decided to come too, even though I didn't feel anything and then at last minute I decided not to go. After a week I started to feel like my back was hurting and it was bothering me a lot so I decided to go back and see the chiropractor Dr. Linda Oliver) of Health Point Wellness Clinic, after several treatments, I started to feel better my back pain subsided. It was a SUCCESSFULL therapy.

Raymond S. (Age 23)

I initially came in with a very sore mid/lower back, constantly waking up with pain. After several visits I began to notice quite a change and now several months later I have almost no pain. The staff has always have been very professional and friendly, very informative in using x-ray to diagnose my problem and relaxing massage treatments. I appreciate the Doctors always willing to talk and to continue to provide stretches and techniques.

I would recommend them to all my family and friends.

Mark L. (Age 29)

I feel much better since the day I came for an evaluation. My neck and whole back feels great and my headaches have decreased. I am glad that I feel better and came to this clinic.

Maryann L. (Age 22)

In March of this year, I was in a car accident where I was rear ended by another car going at a high speed. My car was totalled. I have been seeing Dr. Oliver and her staff for treatment, consisting priority of chiropractic treatment, massage therapy and a little acupunture treatment.

I found the treatments to be very effective and I am much better off today as a result of the treatment.

I'm probably not 100% better, and I'm not sure if I'll ever be, but I have better range of motion and less pain and have resumed most of my normal activities.

Overall my experience here has been a very positive one!

I would definitely recommend Dr. Oliver to others that I know and may come by.

Thank You!!

Giri D. (Age 46)

Well I'm not quite there yet, but I feel like I'm on the right track.

It has only been several weeks since I first began seeking

treatment & I'm starting to feel some improvement! I'm happy

because that improvement has been what I needed to finally start getting some sleep!

Thats Big!! so I am eager to start feeling more relief, that I'm sure it will come in time.

The staff here has been great, the most professional & friendliest.

Very Pleased so far!

Laura R. (Age 25)

I began seeing Dr. Oliver and her staff because my migraines headaches had become

out of control. I was referred by a friend and I was very pleased from the beginning

about the level of caring treatment I received from the entire staff.

Dr. Oliver began by a careful evaluation and determined that due to my heavy computer use my neck was out of alignment. She integrated multiple disciplines

(Chiropractic,Acupunture,Herbs and Exercises) to treat my headaches.

I am pleased that after about six weeks of treatments I'm no longer

taking my migraine preventative meds, have reduced my migraine pain and frequency

considerably. I am working hard to improve my posture. Although I still have a

ways to go to be totally headache free, I am gratetful for the way my quality of

life has improved since I have started treatment here.

Deliena C.(Age 47)

The Experience has been exceptional I went from experiencing

lower back pain and shoulder stress, to feeling constantly relaxed.

I will recommend Health Point Wellness to my friends

Dzabu D. (Age 37)

I came with a very tight sore shoulder from sitting at a computer all day. I was also getting headaches due to stress. After visiting and getting great care, I feel more in touch with my body and what makes my shoulders tighten up.

I have now been pain free and able to handle the stress. I like how I was taught and encouraged to learn about the spine and how it affects every part of our lives.

Overall, I have appreciated and enjoyed my journey.

Jenith M. (Age 29)

I was really in deep pain when I first came here. After a few treatments, my pain slowly became lighter and lighter. It was really good I can tell.

I am very thankful to the Doctor's and masseuses who took care of me, they are so knowledgeable of what they are doing.

More Power To You..... God Bless!!

Josefina S. (AGE 53)

I pulled my hamstring from sports activities. I was recommended by friends to this clinic and was given great care and have seen great improvement on both my injury and overall stress & relaxation.

Liang C. (AGE 29)

Health Point Wellness Clinic is a caring and healing environment to begin the process of healing. The staff is very caring and they listen to your complaints. It's very obvious that they want the very best for you. The idea of Chiropractic with a massage is a great combination, Angel Plandor, Alexandra Lopez and Jennifer Salinas are excellent in pinpointing the stress areas in your body and with their expertise massage techniques, you can begin to heal. Both doctors are very detailed oriented in explaining things to you and the process to heal. I HIGHLY recommend this place to everyone. Quality work is what everyone will get when they walk through the door.

Yvonne S. (AGE 47)

When I started, my pain was interfering with my daily activities and sleep. Now I sleep better without waking up during the night and I am able to perform my daily activities without hurting.

Robert W. (AGE 57)

On Christmas Eve my husband was driving to pick up our son from his friend's house. While he was driving I was in the passenger side looking in the mirror while I was putting on my makeup. Next thing I know my makeup went flying, I looked up at my husband and saw a green car in front of us in our lane. They both pulled over and exchanged information. While they exchanged information I turned my attention to my daughter to make sure she was ok. When I got out of my car I notice my back was hurting, but I tried to ignore it, so when I got home I took Motrin to block out the pain. The third day I was having pain from my back and left side ribs. It hurt to breath or move. There was no position that gave me relief and I lost sleep, I couldn't hold my daughter. I kept on taking the pain killers till I ran out. I called my sister and told her I couldn't stand the pain anymore so on Jan. 16, I saw Dr. Oliver and Dr. Khamsei about my back and side rib pain. On my first session I was tender and after the other session I felt relief and I was able to sleep through the night. I was able to hold my daughter and play with her. I can do everything I want to do without pain. Dr. Oliver, Dr. Khamsei and staff are so caring and friendly. That really made a big difference, I have finally gotten my life back and it is all thanks to you Dr. Oliver

Destiny P. (AGE 30)

As I was driving home from my friend's house, a young lady rear ended my car on the 5 south freeway right before the 78 entrance ramp. At first I did not feel any pain or soreness, but, over the next few days my neck started to get tighter my back also seemed to have tensed up. After a few days of treatment my neck and back started to get better, after a few more sessions I finally was more functional then before. Overall my treatment here was wonderful!

Terry Chao. (AGE 20)

I am feeling great, having a lot less pain. The zinging in my fingers has almost gone away.

Thank you Doctor.

Moria L. (AGE 50)

It is like night and day comparing to the day I walked into this clinic six weeks ago today. I could barely move that day and my friend at work said I had to see Dr. Oliver. I came right over when they opened and was taken in immediately for an exam and massage. You guys have given me my sanity back and a sense of well-being that you can't get out of a bottle or surgery!

Thank you all for your kindness and expertise in getting me back to my life and sense of peace.

Pamela M. (AGE 46)

Past two years I have had knee pain while running. This has been significantly reduced due to a combination of Ultrasound, Chiropractic and Massage. Since I was a teenager I have had painful heavy menstrual cramping cycles . Through Acupuncture and herbal Medicine both symptoms have already been reduced significantly in only 6 weeks.

Bethany. A (AGE 27)

Since I became a patient at Health Point Wellness Clinic, my overall health has improved so much! I sleep better, I am calmer, I have lost weight and I do not have the back pain that I had before coming in. I am very happy to have found H.P.W. Clinic. I try to tell anyone I know at work that looks like they are suffering to come.

Anne. M. (AGE 55)

My accident was on Feb. 21, 2012 I was stopped at a light and a truck hit me from behind really hard and the impact was so hard that I hit the steering wheel and hurt my chin and back. I started coming to the Chiropractor at Health Point Wellness Clinic and they helped me start feeling better. I came 3x a week and it was a great experience. Overall I am feeling 100% myself.

Flor G. (AGE 31)

We were in an accident on Feb.21,2012 my daughter Natalie was hurt and she complained of neck, back, arm and leg pain. She would complain everyday and every night about the pain. I starting bringing her to the Chiropractor at Health Point Wellness Clinic to help her with the pain she was complaining about from the accident. She came to see the doctor 3x's a week and it has helped her a lot, now she only complains about once a week so I know she is getting better.

Flor for Natalie G. (AGE 6)

I found everyone to be very pleasant and professional. There is always a feeling of happiness and calmness. The results of my therapy have been great. I have a greater awareness of when I have over done it and can make adjustments accordingly. My sleep has also greatly improved. Not so much as in the length but in the quality of rest I get in a night. I feel that I am generally a happier person now.

Natika P. (AGE 32)

I had lower back ache along with pain at the side of my right thigh. It took 6 weeks of sessions and there is a remarkable improvement in my condition.

The massages and the adjustments helped me a lot.

Richa A. (AGE 25)

I'm so glad my friends referred me here, even with a busy schedule, the time here is always a brief period of calm and tranquility. My pain has improved my outlook and I look forward to each visit.

Patrick C. (AGE 32)

I came to Dr.Oliver's office with chronic back pain and neck pain from stress and computer work. Since my treatments, the discomfort and pain are gone.

Thanks for your excellent treatment!

Cheryl B. (AGE 57)

Dear Dr. Oliver, Dr. Khamsei and the wonder Staff!

I want to thank you for taking such great care of me in my time of need. I came to you mid-March of 2012 due to a car accident where I was severely rear ended and it left me with terrible neck and lower back pain. The pain was so overwhelming at times it left me in tears for weeks and months. My neck pain accelerated into chronic headaches and vertigos which would last a few days and disappear and come back on the onset of sunlight or noise. It's been a 4 months journey to recovery for me. Because of the guidance and care from you and your wonderful staff, I am pretty much back to my healthy ways again.

Please note that I was not a believer in chiropractic care, but because I knew Dr. Oliver personally, I was willing to give it a try and the outcome is truly positive! I had 4 months of alternative treatments, from electrical stimulation, adjustments, acupuncture, deep tissue massage and love and tender care by the a wonder staff! This was a routine for me every Tuesday and Thursday for 4 months after work and know I seem kind of lost and disoriented and sometimes find myself driving towards the direction to your office without thinking! I guess my body is missing all that great treatment it was getting! I will have to stop by now and them to say hi!

Love you guys!

Elyna Y. (AGE 42)

My pain varies. Sometimes I’ll have a few bad weeks and sometimes I’ll have a good week where the pain is minimal. This past week I did cut down on my ibuprofen because the pain was less than normal and I’m hoping it’s because of the treatment. Only time will tell, but I do believe the pain is getting more manageable.

Randy L. (AGE 55)

I came into the Center after a car accident for complaints of pain in my neck and back. After weeks of massage treatments and back adjustments, I feel much better. I sleep throughout the night without any discomfort like I had at the beginning of my treatment. The staff and massage therapist have been such a pleasure to work with. Dr. Oliver & Dr. Khamsei were very knowledgeable as to my injury and prescribed the proper treatment.

Valerie A. (AGE 26)

I am feeling much better than before. I feel my posture has improved and the pain and numbness in my legs and neck has reduced. I am able to exercise much longer now.

Anjana. S (AGE 28)

I have had chiropractic care in the past, but this has been by far the best and most comprehensive treatment. My range of motion and overall health has improved greatly and my treatment plan was well thought out and customized specifically for me. Thank you for everything you’ve done!

Debra A. (AGE 59)

I starting coming here for various injuries and just generally being sore/having tight muscles from different workout regimens I’ve been trying out. All 4 massage therapists are great and really promote muscle repair quickly. I had issues with my Soleus muscles and Achilles tendon from running and things were just getting worse. When I had this injury previously, I had to quit training all together and didn’t make it to my race. After coming here x-rays showed that my hips were slightly unbalanced which totally made sense, since the problems were all on one side. The very frequent chiropractic appointments along with new shoes, foam rolling and better running form have virtually removed all injuries while still be able to train. All of the staff is very sweet and professional, and they seem to really get to know each patient. I’d definitely recommend this clinic for anyone with injury or for preventative care!

Jessalyn C. (AGE 24)

When I first came to Health Point Wellness my lower back was completely thrown out. I couldn't stand up straight or bend over to tie my shoes. I’m very active in my life so besides the daily pain and immobility, I was completely frustrated with ability to do anything active. I started my treatment twice a week receiving acupuncture, massage and adjustments. After one week the pain had gone down considerably by the third week I was able to get back to a state where I had full range of motion. After six weeks I’m completely pain free and back cycling and running again. I can’t thank the team at Health Point Wellness enough forgetting my back started out and back to being active. I’ll definitely be recommending to my friends.

Karl E. ( Age 43)

Much more aware of my body overall. The big ball of tension I felt behind my left shoulder is greatly reduced. Much more range of motion in Neck & Shoulders, my right index finger, much improvement! Strength and mobility is back! Right leg feels more aligned, walking in general is different, feels much more natural.

Dina C. (Age 51)

I flipped off my bike while mountain biking and hurt my lower back. It seemed to be slowly getting better, but the pain reached a constant and was not going away. I had not been going to a chiropractor in some time, so I decided to try Dr. Oliver per recommendation of a co-worker. After my first appointment I noticed an improvement and 3 weeks later, all of the pain from my injury had gone away.

Anthony R. (Age27)

Myself, Aishwerya really love this place. All the staff is so good and they provide really good service .I want to say that before joining this clinic I used to feel very lethargic, not able to do work properly, but frankly speaking after visiting this clinic all the treatments especially, acupuncture and massage has made me Energetic (60%) but, I want to say that when I leave here I will feel 100% efficient. Thanks to all the staff and to Dr. Oliver.

Aishwerya M. (Age 26)

Thank you for making my experience an extremely pleasant one.I feel significantly better than the first day that I walked in the door. I will certainly continue with maintenance with your office.

Danielle D. (Age 47)

What an incredible level of service, care, professionalism and overall attention from both Dr. Oliver and Dr. Plante. Christine and the entire staff at Health Point Wellness Clinic. They’ve relieved my pain and encourage me to try out new types of treatment that have been hugely beneficial. I would recommend to ANYONE.

Kyle M. (Age 30)

I feel much better now. Now I very rarely have neck pain plus I feel better for back pain too.

Jignesh M. (Age 36)

Before coming to Health Point Wellness, I suffered from severe neck, back, shoulder pain, headaches, knee pain, trouble sleeping and a negative emotional view. After being treated at Health Point Wellness for several months, I am happy to say that I am doing much, much better. My neck, back and shoulder pain still exist, but there not as bad. My headaches have lessened in frequency and intensity, my knee pain is being successfully managed and my sleep is less interrupted by pain and discomfort. My emotional outlook is much more positive and I am even able to exercise a little bit. Overall, I am very thankful for all the staff at Health Point Wellness and one day after continued treatment I hope to be pain free.

Julia L. (Age 21)

Found good relaxation for my back pain and to my spine with chiropractic and acupuncture treatments. I’m Feeling good and it helped me a lot. Thanks a lot for everyone.

Darvesh S. (Age 29)

In September 2013, I had a car accident involving a brain & neck injury causing a lot of headaches all the time. I started treatment at Health Point Wellness Clinic and the headaches and neck pain have gradually reduced. After six months of treatment 90% of my headaches are gone. Thanks to Dr. Oliver and to ever member at the clinic for doing a good job.

Susan H. (Age 70)

I’ve had a terrific experience with Health Point Wellness. The combinations of therapy have been very effective with my knee and back issues. I have recommended my friends and family.

Ken D. (Age 45)

I am a computer professional. I came here with severe neck and shoulder pain on one side; I do have previous experience with chiropractors but, just in the past 12 visits my health has improved very much. I am able to swing my left hand with much reduced pain. The massage therapists are really good and they are very focused. I love the adjustments by Dr. Plante; Dulce is very good in doing therapies. Dr. Oliver is nice and patient in answering questions. Overall I like the place and I have improved much.

Jeyaprakash S. (Age 36)

Overall there is an improvement in my physical condition in relation to my back and neck pain. I am progressing well and intend to continue treatment for pain in left shoulder and overall improvement in my breathing pattern.

Srinivas G. (AGE 38)

After 6 weeks of treatment my rashes are gone. I’m very happy with it! My back feels better; Dr. Plante has been very patient with me. I am really thankful with Judy’s work too. Thank you all.

Jiankun Z. (AGE 40)

I have nothing bad to say about this clinic! I was in a car accident in February and needed to see a chiropractor, I found this place and on my first visit I felt like everyone here was going to take great care of me. After 9 weeks of treatment, sad to say I’m healed (I think), I will definitely be back to see Dr. Oliver and Dr. Plante for my adjustments and Jennifer for my massages!! I will recommend this place to all my family and friends who need a chiropractor.

Shana M. (AGE 28)

My son, Brandon, age 6, was sleep walking and urinating at night, sometimes outside of the bathroom. He had no recollection of the sleep walking events. I brought him in for an adjustment, since my husband and I had been coming to Health Point Wellness since 2008, and thought Brandon could benefit. After one treatment, Brandon slept 15 hours that first night straight through. He did not sleep walk again for 6 months, and then when he did, I brought him in for another adjustment. Thank you Dr. Oliver and Dr. Plante!

Jennifer D. (Brandon's mom)

I felt the flexibility of the spine was improved apparently after my treatment.

Youlu W. (AGE 34)

I used to have server pain in the lower back, especially while lifting weights or bending over often. I’m quite impressed that there has been a lot of improvement; I rarely have any pain now. I never imagined that I would see a day with no pain. Thank you, Dr. Oliver for your wonderful help and care.

Shravani S. (AGE 27)

After having my first child, I was experiencing a lot of back, leg, and hip pain. After about 6 weeks of treatment my back pain has decreased. I am still a little sore, but that is unavoidable with an infant. I have less leg and hip pain. It took a couple of weeks before my body responded to the treatments, but now it feels so much better. I use to get frequent headaches, but since starting chiropractic care I have noticed they come less frequently.

Christina T. (AGE 28)

After 11 visits, I noticed considerable improvement in my neck and lower back. This resulted in better sleep and improved posture.

Dennis N. (AGE 26)

I had a great experience. I feel a lot better and a big improvement in my body, more balance in posture, less pain, more energy and better sleep. Thank you very much. I really appreciate everything.

Angelito L. (AGE 60)

My headaches are virtually gone. I sleep better and my anxiety is resolved. I am more flexible.

William R. (AGE 51)

I’m glad to have found this clinic and got the treatments I needed. My body condition is getting better. Dr. Oliver is very professional. She can locate the root of the pain and treats it accurately. She is always nice and has a warm smile.

Jing W. (AGE 31)

The treatment has been helping provided relief of pain for a short period of time. I can feel the massage helping to remove the knots from my neck & back. I need to continue treatment to feel the full effects. I am hoping it will do the trick.

Kathryn S. (AGE 26)

She is a very experienced chiropractor. She makes me feel less pain and more balanced. I would recommend her to friends.

Yi W. (AGE 34)

In the short period of time I’ve had therapy, I am feeling so much better. At this time I am no longer feeling the extreme pain in my thigh, I don’t worry about waking up at night with painful spams anymore! This is the FIRST doctor’s office where there is NO WAITING! The staff is great and such a friendly group of people.

Christina A. (AGE 61)

I was injured in a car accident. The treatments at Health Point Wellness has helped me recover and feel better.

Arjun S. (AGE 31)

I always feel great after each visit. The annoying discomfort in my lower back does not come as often.

Johann R. (AGE 37)

Dr. Oliver and the entire staff are wonderful. I’ve been very pleased with the therapy and care I’ve received at Health Point Wellness Clinic.Thanks so much for everything!

Eduardo E. (AGE 48)

I came in the office due to pain on my right hip and an ongoing problem with carpal tunnel in my wrist. Today I feel so much better and no more pain in my hip. During my treatment I was told I could possibly have arthritis and acupuncture would be beneficial, I immediately felt relief in my finger joints after a couple of treatments. I was also given dietary recommendations which also provided for my overall health and has motivated me to further improve to a healthier life style.

Joy H. (AGE 39)

I can actually turn my head! It’s been years since that has felt comfortable for me. I feel more balance in my hips and leg length. It’s helped with my exercise and Pilates form. I feel less bloated and tired during “PMS” times with fewer aches and pains.

Jennifer B. (AGE 44)

When I started out I wasn’t sleeping well at all, I had severe low back pain and I could barely get in/out of bed or of a chair or walk any distance at all. Now I sleep more hours than I have in years without back pain! I can get up and down from my bed and in and out of a chair so much easier. I can also walk for hours as I did at Sea World the other day with my family. I am so glad that I came here and so thankful for everyone here. It’s so nice to see and talk to such friendly and caring people. Thank you all!

Laura V. (AGE 56)

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